Monday, April 09, 2018

Reckoning: April 9, 2018

A Poet's Existence
Using numbers from the label cloud (below), this blog contains 686 poems I've authored, 624 (91%) rhyming1 and 461 (67%) quatrains.2 Further breakouts as to form and theme:

Form: 664 categorized as to form (unexplained difference of -22).

  • quatrains (461)
  • short (132)
  • tercets3 (17)
  • sentence4 (15)
  • couplets (11)
  • beat5 (8)
  • limericks6 (8)
  • logic7 (7)
  • narrative8 (4)
  • word9 (1)
Theme: 717 categorized as to theme (unexplained difference of +31).
  • life10 (333)
  • love (126)
  • truth11 (55)
  • art (37)
  • place (36)
  • sexus12 (35)
  • lifestyle (23)
  • heavens (23)
  • Mars (22)
  • wheels (19)
  • choose life (8)
All above totals require further verification. More of my poems have appeared at a website (no longer viewable online).

1. at least some part of the poem rhymes.
2. four-line poems.
3. three-line poems
4. poems with verses (generally starting) with repeating phrase [original form].
5. free form; no repeating pattern of rhythm (or rhyme).
6. some are sets of poems.
7. more content than form.
8. poems that tell a story.
9. poems constructed around a list of consistently rhyming words [original form].
10. general category.
11. political issues.
12. male/female issues.

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