Sunday, August 09, 2015

"Here's the Damn Deal"

"Donald Trump turns black women into Republicans"

Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson:

“Okay, so it’s a day after the debates and you all know I am mad as hell,” Hardaway began. “Somebody already tried to come for Donald, so I’ve got to come for them.”

“Here’s the damn deal, Megyn Kelly, or Kelly Megyn, whatever your name is: Rosie O’Donnell started that whole foolishness! She was on The View and she was the one who spoke out against Donald and Donald had to come back on her!

“So I don’t know why you’re gonna make this here a part of your forum last night. You know, perhaps you don’t need to be hosting debates! Perhaps — maybe it’s time for us to file Kelly and make her go back to reporting news at the local news! Try Sesame Street! Maybe you should go back and report news for Sesame Street and have a debate with them.”

“You hit below the belt, Kelly. You hit below the belt, girl. But blow on this: leave my man, Donald Trump, the hell alone! If you’ve got something you’re going to tell him, run it by us first! Run it by me first and I’ll let you know if you have permission to come for him!” she said.

“He’s gonna be the next president of the United States when you like it or not, Megyn Kelly or Kelly Megyn or whatever your name is, or not.”

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