Dear Poet,
Read your poem on The Web Poetry Corner
Very good indeed. We would like to publish such type of poems in our next anthology "Harvests of New Millennium". We are currently reviewing poems for publication in "Harvests of New Millennium" A Collection of Contemporary Verse to be released in Oct. 2005. If you are interested in getting your poem published in this book please contribute your poem to us. For submitting the poem please log on to:
or send by email with your short bio (Optional) and address.
Best Wishes
4/2B, L.I.G.
Govindpur Colony,
Allahabad-211004 (U.P.)
Or . . if you really want to get your poetry published
In my opinion Cyberwit is genuine. My poems have also been published by them in New Pegaus. They publish quality books.
Cyberwit people are really very cool. If you have any confusion about them just email them at and tell them to send a free book of poetry published by them. They will do so. By seeing the book you will be able to know more about Cyberwit.
Dear friend,
Read your story on
Very good indeed. We would like to publish this one or such type of story in Dec. 2005 8th Issue of Taj Mahal Review, International Literary Journal. I invite you to contribute your short story so that it may be published. If you are interested in getting your short story published in it please send by logging on to
or by email with your short bio and address.
The short stories on all themes (maximum 2500 words) must be in English.
World copyright of each writing published will rest with the authors.
Book will be in the form of Paperback and will be published by, India.
Karunesh Agrawal
Dy. Managing Editor (TMR)
4/2B, L.I.G.
Govindpur Colony,
Allahabad-211004 (U.P.)
Dear J. Richard Jacobs
Thanks for sending many stories. But in Taj Dec. 2005 we will be able to publish one only. Proudly published by Cyberwit from the finest paper and composing including beautiful cover and design, Taj Mahal Review gives you the finest that the Publishing has to offer. A global feel with authors around the world. We are small press publisher so cannot afford international shipping and handling charges to send the book of about 300 pages from India to your country. Will it be possible for you to subscribe the Journal in just $16 per copy only?
The authors will also receive a free gift with the subscription. World copyright will rest with you.
A kind reply will much oblige.
Karunesh Kumar Agrawal
Dy. Managing Editor (TMR)
4/2 B, L.I.G.
Govindpur Colony,
Allahabad-211004 (U.P.)
With this response you may consider my submission of my short story Histories of the World to have been withdrawn from consideration. Any use of the story in any form will be considered an infringement of copyright. The world is filled with publications like yours, and I should have taken a bit more time in investigating your history...
J. Richard Jacobs
This email has been copied to a number of fraud alert sites for future investigation and as a warning to other authors you have approached.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 9/19/2005 7:55:32 PM
Subject: RE: Your Short Story HISTORIES OF THE WORLD
As to the last comment left, all I can say is consider the English. Sound a bit stilted? Would a real English writer write like that? I checked the logs and sure enough, one of the two visitors to this blog entry came from India (his search term being "cyberwit scam"). Somebody who knows more about the country might be able to compare the location ("Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Thane Belapur Road, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India") with that of this group.
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