- Lying, lying, lying: not that those born under other Sun signs don't tell the odd fib, it's just that for the Gemini lying is a way of life. Geminis could give seminars on lying. For them it's not really lying, it's just the way you do things.
- Looks: even as a craggy, increasingly-old man, he still turns female heads. As a young man he had playboy good looks. Geminis, whatever their faults, are almost always physically attractive.
- Amorality: Geminis are always in moral difficulties, infidelity being top of list.*
- Split personality: Geminis, the sign of the twins, always have two distinct personalities. For Trump it's his public and private personae.
- Money problems: Geminis spend money like water.
- Nine lives: Geminis take major hits in life, reinvent themselves, and move on anew.
- Changing minds: Geminis change their minds every five minutes.
What helps a Gemini in a political race—besides their looks—is their ability to communicate. Another Gemini, JFK, said 90% of politics was "sex appeal" (and he should know). And he was a great communicator, something Geminis are known for (think Rubio).
Geminis are also known for their quicksilver intelligence, which when combined with their noted amorality often looks like evil genius (consider Henry Kissinger). JFK was almost scary smart and is often considered one of our most intelligent presidents.
Interestingly, Trump is surrounded by possible Gemini running mates: Rudolph Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, and Marco Rubio—meaning we could have four (4) personalities running the country all at once.
Geminis are also known for their quicksilver intelligence, which when combined with their noted amorality often looks like evil genius (consider Henry Kissinger). JFK was almost scary smart and is often considered one of our most intelligent presidents.
Interestingly, Trump is surrounded by possible Gemini running mates: Rudolph Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, and Marco Rubio—meaning we could have four (4) personalities running the country all at once.
*Trump reportedly did business with Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno, head of the Genovese crime family.
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