Thursday, December 21, 2017

Determining a Winner in Virginia

A modest proposal for determining the winner in the 94th District Delegate race in Newport News* — which may affect the balance of power in the Virginia House of Delegates**  consists of an essay-writing challenge. 

Both candidates would be asked to provide their best answers to the following:

1) Virginia Founding Fathers  (33 points)

How will your actions as a representative in the Virginia House of Delegates for your district emulate the highest ideals of the Founding Fathers from the Old Dominion*** — as expressed in their writings, political debates, and contributions to our nation's founding documents?

JUDGES: Daughters of the American Revolution local chapter.

2) Gas Pipelines Through Virginia  (33 points)

Describe how the two natural gas pipelines being proposed to run through the Old Dominion will help the state and your electoral district.

JUDGES: Chambers of Commerce from across the state.

3) Preserving Lives of Future Virginians  (33 points)

How will you apply the power granted to you in your position in the Virginia House of Delegates to preserve the lives of unborn Virginians, protecting them from dismemberment in their mothers' wombs — their baby parts being sold to the highest bidder — while preserving the physical, mental, spiritual, and moral constitution of future Virginia mothers?

RULES: Candidates shall have 24 hours two prepare answers to all three (3) essays; essay scores shall be based on composition, content, and construction; candidates shall receive one point each for signing their names; if the essay scores again result in a tie, the incumbent shall retain his seat.

*The tie of 11,608 votes each to Democrat challenger Shelly Simonds and incumbent Republican Delegate David Yancey to the Virginia General Assembly David Yancey leaves it to the State Board of Elections to determine the winner by drawing names.
**A Simonds win makes it 50-50 Democrat seats vs. Republican.

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