Monday, February 27, 2017

Claiming Scalps With Fake News

When the Left decide they want to eliminate someone from relevance in the socio-political sphere, they use fake news. Here are the steps they use to destroy someone:

1) Spin something out of nothing

Start with a wisp of something that can be spun into something BIG. Spin it in such a way that it will predictably whip up an emotional storm. Best to:

  1. Use a word that is an un-deconstruct-able flashpoint, one that can't be argued against without the arguer losing his position in society (e.g., pedophilia).
  2. Label from the standard Leftist list: e.g., racist, sexist, homophobe. 
  3. Ensure there be no actual, factual basis for the charge, that it's been spun into something completely, dimensionally out-of-touch with all reality.
In the latter phase of the scalping, when the emotional froth is winding down and cooler heads try to unravel the initial accusation, it is critical that they have no way of taking it apart factually—because no factual basis exists for it. With absolutely no factual basis to support the charge, denials add weight to it.

2) Foment an hystericalized tsunami of fake news

Whip up a frenzy in the public using the fake news media network—otherwise known as the Leftist Media Bloc—to create a fait accompli destructive force that not only can't be stopped. Make it appear so massively powerful, and moving at such a speed, that no thinking person would try to stop it.

3) Claim your scalp

By the time the hysterical tsunami recedes, and the flopping fish and sand and debris do not add up to a substantial basis for the initial charge—the job, position in society, and life contentment of the target has been irremediably destroyed. What was created without a factual basis cannot be turned back by checking facts, putting things into perspective, and considering the actual harm the target was guilty of. 

4) Repeat

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