Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Right from Left

Adolph Hitler, leader of the National Socialist Party,1 was an unabashed Leftist. He regarded himself as even more of a Marxist than the ones in Russia  because of his willingness to do by force what the Bolsheviks would leave to evolution. Benito Mussolini, founder of the National Fascist Party in Italy, and thereby inventor of fascism, was with the Italian Socialist Party until they threw him out  because he wanted Italy to fight in World War I. He and Italy were Hitler's main allies during World War II.

National SOCIALISM, "right wing" of Leftism

"Right wing" of the Left

The Left consigned what they regarded as the unattractive traits associated with their world Socialist movement  authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism, attendant racism  to their own "right wing". Those who were cast to the right were the "conservatives", the ones who wanted to hold on to the old ways, who thought of nation first.4

Socialism leading to Communism was meant to be a global transformation, making nations, borders, and wars unnecessary. 

As one who combined nationalism with Socialism, together with hyper-militarism, Hitler and his party were cast in the "right wing" of the Left.The greater the belief in absolute state power over every aspect of human life, the farther to the right one is consigned.

Left conflates "Right" with "Conservative"

As the Left pushes unattractive attributes of Leftism to its "right wing", and these traits are defined as "conservative", a conflation has occurred between the "right wing" of Socialism — all about absolute, brutal governmental power, eradication of religion and faith, and elimination of human rights — with American Conservatism — about minimal governmental intervention, guidance from above, and individual rights.

Ultimately, the "right wing" horrors of Nazism — the extreme "right wing" of Socialism and the Left — got projected onto Conservatives — whose beliefs are exactly the opposite, and whose values actually the greatest threat to Leftism. It was American conservative values, in fact, came to the rescue when Leftism reached its logical conclusion of complete destruction of people, society, and (almost) the world.

Assigning the most unappealing traits generated by Leftism to the principles that most threaten its exists seems an excellent way of killing two birds with one stone.

American Conservatism is in nobody's "right wing"

American Conservatism is the central core of political and social values — the ones being attacked by progressivism and radicalism. American Conservatism arises from common sense, a natural understanding, natural law, and a regular moral code. It is the social-political view that naturally develops if you grow up on a farm, go to church on Sundays, raise a family, and start a business — or simply work all of your life.

American Conservatism is at the center of the political spectrum where the Left represents maximum governmental control and the right is Libertarian — or the least governmental control. American Conservatism is in nobody's "right wing".

"We're not of the Right. We're not of the Left or the Right, we're Constitutionalists. That's their lingo."
Mark Levin (May 8, 2020)

American Conservatives misunderstand

If the Left classifies American Conservatives as being on the Right, and that has terrible associations historically, why accept the classification?

Maybe American Conservatives simply don't know what Conservatism is fundamentally, and are not familiar with the historical roots of the left-right paradigm. They don't know right from left, in other words. In this way their continuation of this false dichotomy arises from their own ignorance.

Perhaps American Conservatives have not considered, an have no accounting of, the enormous damage this misunderstanding does in terms of confusion, assignment of foul Leftist outcomes to themselves, and political and propaganda value.

American Conservatism saved world from Left's "right wing"

American Conservatism was developed over here and in direct opposition to what our forefathers experienced of European tyranny. It would later be the values of American Conservatism that would save Europe from the ravages of the Left's "right wing".

American Conservatism is something quite different from the Leftist traits the Left wishes to distant themselves from by projecting onto it. In fact, it's the opposite.

SEE: Conserving the CoreRight-Wing Socialists, Not ConservativesPolitical Spectrum Redrawn, and Leftism vs. American Conservatism.

1. "Nazi" is the German abbreviation, representing the pronunciation of Nati- in Nationalsozialist.
2. assignment of nationalist-militarist tendencies to the "right wing" of their movement by Leftists might derive naturally: the right arm is considered stronger. Maybe this rightward assignment got conflated with the right vs. left construction from pre-revolutionary France.3 
3.  where the royalists sat to the right of the king in the legislative chamber, the Jacobins to the left.
4. see Stalin in Power: the Revolution from Above, 1928-1941 by Robert C. Tucker for more on this.

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