Now available on the Amazon Kindle Store is my very first published poetry book (and ebook) "The Man Who Didn't Exist". Offered here, in one enticing package, are fifty nine (59) quatrains on a variety of topics: life, love, lifestyle, place, wheels, logic.
The reason I didn't stuff just one more quatrain in there to bring the total to a more well-rounded total of sixty (60) poems is explained on the very back page of the ebook.
Poems are published in chronological/alphabetical order, from those written in 2001 to those penned in 2014. Each paired with a related image—meant to edify and maintain interest. Each polished over time from repeated readings (some public).
Some of the gems sampled in this soon-to-be-a-classic include:
- "The Albanian Girl Wants Me"
- "A Bronze Statue of Hercules"
- "The Bubble Is Burst"
- "A Certain Razzmatazz"
- "The Homerun Ball"
And that's just from the first year of hits!! To see what else is in store for your poetry-reading—and image-viewing—enjoyment you'll need to click the image in the upper right of this promotional bit.
Why should you buy right now and not wait for the New York Times review? First, because demand might become so great that the Amazon system could shut down. Second, because any quirks or format foibles you find in the first edition might one day be considered desirable by poetry book collectors. Third, the first few printings always come off clearer—or so it used to be, back in the age of inked printings (has there been a change?).
The fact that the author offers a big sloppy kiss on the nose for all buyers of this slim volume might not be considered much of an inducement for some. Nevertheless the offer stands.
Thank you for your consideration. Feel free to return to your normal life—which I assume is still in progress.
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