Friday, January 02, 2015

How to Submit for PoemTown St. Johnsbury 2015

PoemTown St. Johnsbury 2015: Poem Submission Rules

Submission is open to all poets living or working in Vermont. The 2015 theme is "At Home in the Kingdom". Poem might address such topics as Small Town Life, Savoring the Seasons, Honoring Our Heritage, etc.
  1. Deadline for submissions February 15, 2015.
  2. Two-poem submission limit.
  3. 24-line maximum each poem.
Please do not submit work that has been displayed at any Poetry Alive!, PoemCity, PoemTown Randolph or PoemCampus events, or that has previously appeared in print elsewhere.

Please submit your poem(s) via email to Anne Campbell at Typed poems may be mailed to Catamount Arts at P.O. Box 324, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 or dropped off at the Catamount Arts Center box office at 115 Eastern Avenue in St. Johnsbury.

Please include name, Vermont city/town where live or work, e-mail address, and phone/name at bottom of page or on back as well as a short biography of 25 words or less (to be used with poems if published online or in book form). Include age and name of school (or indicate homeschooled) if school-aged.

If a large number of submissions is received, PoemTown St. Johnsbury may select only one of the two poems to post. By sending your work to PoemTown St. Johnsbury, you agree that PoemTown St. Johnsbury may use your poem(s) in display, promotional materials, and associated online, print, and other media venues.

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