Monday, October 13, 2014

Romney Jokes on Obama in Iowa

Mitt Romney told this joke while campaigning for Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst in Iowa:
President Obama went to the bank to cash a check and he didn’t have his ID. And the teller said you’ve got to prove who you are. 
He said, “How should I do that?” She said the other day Phil Mickelson came in, he didn’t have his ID but he set up a little cup on the ground, took a golf ball, putted it right into that cup. So they knew it was Phil Mickelson. They cashed his check. 
Then Andre Agassi came in and he didn’t have his ID either. So he put a little target on the wall, took a tennis ball and racket and hit the target first time. We knew that was Andre Agassi so we cashed his check. 
So she said to Obama, “Is there anything you can do to prove who you are?” He said, “I don’t have a clue.” 
The bank teller said, “Well, Mr. President, do you want your money in small or large bills?”

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