Monday, July 07, 2014

Is Joan Rivers Losing It?

Comedienne Joan Rivers, 81, recently declared in an on-street interview that the First Lady Michelle Obama is a "tranny", a transvestite. Fortunately we can apply scientific analysis to Michelle's physical proportions to see if they match a man's or a woman's—thereby determining if Joan Rivers might be losing it.

A man’s ring finger is typically longer than his index finger. It's not uncommon for a woman to have ring and index fingers of similar lengths, but it is extremely rare for a woman to have a visibly longer ring finger. Let's consider photos of Michelle’s hands. Her ring finger appears to be visibly longer than her index finger.

On a woman’s body shoulder width is typically two and a half times the width of her head. A man’s shoulders are typically the equivalent of three times the width of his head. If we look at Michelle we see her shoulder width is more compatible with those of a man.

Michelle Obama appears to have the hand and shoulder width proportions of a man. Should we be considering the old lady's thoughts on this matter?

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