Saturday, July 28, 2007

In Amongst the Rants

liliesWe find . .
'Hi, I'm sitting in a beautiful rose garden and I looked and I saw a lily bush that hadn't opened yet, and I didn't know there were lilies in the rose garden, 'cause all of the roses are gone now. But in a few weeks there are going to be some beautiful lilies. I was really happy. And I didn't want to leave a negative rant; I don't think they should all be negative rants. I think there should be a wish line, because, in a week, no, in four days, I'm going to ask someone out who I've liked for a year and a half now. So I'm sending out a wish 'cause everyone goes through this time. And they are all afraid of rejection. So, I really hope that I won't have to say goodbye for good.'
From C-ville Weekly Rants section Issue #19.30 :: 07/24/2007 - 07/30/2007.

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