Monday, May 02, 2005

RUSSIAN JOKE: The Line to Shoot Gorbachev

Just after Mikhail Gorbachev placed restrictions on the sale of vodka in the former Soviet Union, Ivan and Serge were standing in line to buy a bottle or two.

After waiting several hours, Ivan finally says to his friend:  "This is ridiculous.  We've been waiting forever to buy vodka and we haven't moved a single step.  I'm going to go shoot Gorbachev."

His friend replies:  "Good.  You go shoot Gorbachev.  I'll save your place in line.  By the time you get back things should be moving a little faster."

Ivan goes off to shoot Gorbachev, but he returns in 45 minutes.  Serge says:  "Back so soon?  Surely it takes longer than that to shoot Gorbachev."

Ivan shrugs and says:  "It turns out the line to shoot Gorbachev was longer than the line for buying vodka, so I decided to come right back."

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