Saturday, April 30, 2005

Venus and Mars

Typically they'll tell you to stay away from your "opposite sign", though you'll be attracted there your whole life long.  Opposites attract, but shouldn't get together.  But quite often you'll see Librans paired with Aries.

I think of my father (Aries) marrying his second wife (Libra), after a particularly hopeless combo with another air sign (Gemini) who happened to be my mother.  My mother's eldest brother (Libra) married an Aries, and I'm told the police were often called to the house.  A musician friend of mine, who arranged one of my songs in Charlottesville, Virginia seemed to be an Aries of a different sort than the ones I had known.  He married a Libran, but discretion prevents me from telling you how he describes her.

My sense was that the Aries was seeking redemption through the Libran, such was my prejudiced view of all those born under the sign of Mars.  I've since developed a more balanced view given a greater variety of Martians that I've met.

One famous pair makes an interesting study.  Thomas Jefferson, third president of the U.S., was born April 13, 1743 (with the Gregorian adjustment).  He married Martha Wayles Skelton, born October 19, 1748.  They were together ten years during which she produced six children (only two of them reaching adulthood).

They gave each other music, he being no slouch on the violin, she on the fortepiano he bought her.  Interestingly, this means "loud-soft" in Italian, which might describe the Venus-Mars combo neatly enough.  Their vocal duets scared off numerous suitors sure they could not compete with the redhead.

He described their years together as "unchequered happiness", and he never married again after she passed.  He thus entered the White House a 19-year widower, handling much of the social demands himself--and with the help of Dolley Madison from time-to-time.

This was not to be recommended in those days, to function at such a high office without a loyal wife.  Such must have been his sense of loss.

His daughter said that she herself could not describe properly his grief.  It seems that he holed up in his room for three weeks, pacing back and forth until exhaustion.

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